Course Syllabus

Instructor: Randy Jessen

Course Objective: The student will understand how specific present political structures within the church evolved. Each was created to solve specific problems. The student will also acquire a working knowledge as to how the many structures in the United Methodist Church interact with each other to form a cooperative ministry. 

Description: The course will provide the background necessary for understanding and appreciating the evolution of United Methodist polity and examines the current operation of that polity. The course offers practical information and explores the implications present UMC polity on different ways to organize the local church and the appointment process. Online presentations, forum discussions, simulations and case studies will be used for understanding the processes and experiencing decision making within the polity. 

Books for the Course

  • Thomas Edward Frank, Polity, Practice and the Mission of The United Methodist Church, Updated Edition, 2006, Abingdon Press (978-0687335312)
  • 2012 Discipline of the United Methodist Church (978-1426718120)
  • 2012 Book of Resolutions (978-1426757877)

See Taylor Library's list of online book sellers for purchasing options.

Online Mechanics Of The Course


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Course Summary:

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