Course Syllabus

Impact of War on Pastoral Care & Theology

Instructor: Zachary Moon

Course Synopsis

This course examines the unique challenges and opportunities of providing pastoral care with veterans and military families, focusing on issues including warrior identity, deployment and combat experience, impact on families, post-deployment reintegration, and the role of congregations. This course also explores how pastoral caregivers' personal and family experiences of war has an impact on pastoral care. This is a constructive, contextual theology course at the intersection of religious traditions, military culture, clinical disciplines and personal experience.

Required Texts

Allen, J. L. (1991). War: a primer for Christians. Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press.

Herman, J. L. (1997). Trauma and recovery. New York, NY: Basic Books. [available online through DU library SOON]

Klay, P. (2014). Redeployment. New York, NY: The Penguin Press.

Moon, Z. (2015). Coming home: ministry that matters with veterans and military families. St. Louis, MO: Chalice Press.

Recommended Texts

Armstrong, K., Best, S., & Domenici, P. (2006). Courage after fire: coping strategies for troops returning from Iraq and Afghanistan and their families. Berkeley, CA: Ulysses.

Everson, B. & Figley, C. (Eds.) (2011). Families under fire: Systemic therapy with military families. New York, NY: Routledge.


Overview and Objectives


Policies And Services

Course Summary:

Date Details Due