Course Syllabus

Instructors: Carrie Doehring and Susan Geissler

Course Synopsis


1. Hazen, Eric P.; Goldstein, Mark A.; Chandler, Myrna. (2011). Mental health disorders in adolescents: A guide for parents, teachers, and professionals. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press; 337 pp, $23.95 (softcover) ISBN: 0890-8567 (Print) 1527-5418 (Electronic)

2. To be distributed at the praxis (students pay cost of $20):  Youth Mental Health First Aid USA. Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Missouri Department of Mental Health, and National Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare (2209)

3. Additional required readings posted on canvas are listed in the Case Study Assignment outline below.

We will be using spiritual practices for self-care throughout the praxis. Here is a link to some resources on spiritual practices you might use during this course. Iliff Spiritual Life 

IST2054 Spiritual Care Praxis Schedule.docx

Overview and Objectives


Case Study Assignment Posted to care Team by 2/19, responses by 2/24

Final Assignment Posted March 6 to Care Team

Policies And Services

Professional Confidentiality and Mandatory Reporting.docx

Course Summary:

Date Details Due