Course Syllabus

Instructor: Antony Alumkal


Office Phone: 303-765-3131


Course Synopsis: This course is an examination of the American Christian Right’s challenges to mainstream scientific theories and practices. Topics include the Intelligent Design movement versus Darwinism, reparative therapy of homosexuality versus mainstream psychiatry, the intra-evangelical debate over climate change, and opposition to stem cell research.


Click below for the syllabus in Word file




The following books are required texts for the course:


Colson, Charles W. and Nigel M. de S. Cameron, editors. 2004. Human Dignity in the Biotech Century: A Christian Vision for Public Policy. Downers Grove: InterVaristy Press.


Erzen, Tanya. 2006. Straight to Jesus: Sexual and Christian Conversion in the Ex-Gay Movement. Berkeley: University of California Press.


House, H. Wayne, editor.  2008. Intelligent Design 101: Leading Experts Explain the Key Issues. Grand Rapids: Kregel.


Jones, Stanton L. and Mark A. Yarhouse. 2000. Homosexuality: The Use of Scientific Research in the Church’s Moral Debate. Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press.



The following readings will be available on Canvas: (Click on the assignments below, or on "Files" to the left)


Alumkal, Antony. Forthcoming. Paranoid Science: The Christian Right’s War on Reality. New York: New York University Press.


_____. nd. “The Use of Scientific Arguments in American Evangelical Anti-Homosexuality Literature.” Unpublished manuscript.


Legates, David R. and G. Cornelis van Kooten. 2014. “A Call to Truth, Prudence, and Protection of the Poor 2014: The Case against Harmful Climate Policies Gets Stronger.” Burke, VA: The Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation.


Overview and Objectives


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Course Summary:

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