Course Syllabus

Instructor: Amy Erickson

Associate Professor of Hebrew Bible and Director of the MTS Program

Assignment Descriptions Preview

Course Rhythm

Required Texts

    Overview and Objectives

    Evaluation     *Late posts will not be accepted.

    Thesis Proposal Form

    “‘Who will teach me to write?’  a reader wanted to know.

    The page, the page, that eternal blankness, the blankness of eternity which you cover slowly, affirming time’s scrawl as a right and your daring as necessity; the page, which you cover woodenly, ruining it, but asserting your freedom and power to act, acknowledging that you ruin everything you touch but touching it nevertheless, because acting is better than being here in mere opacity; the page, which you cover slowly with the crabbed thread of your gut; the page in the purity of its possibilities; the page of your death, against which you pit such flawed excellences as you can muster with all your life’s strength: that page will teach you to write.”

    —Annie Dillard, The Writing Life (Harper & Row, 1989)

    Course Summary:

    Date Details Due