Course Syllabus

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Instructor Information

Instructor: Dr. Jeremy Garber
Office Telephone: 303-765-1146

Course Description

The course invites students to explore the ongoing process of vocational discernment, with particular attention to how vocational journeys intersect with the experience of formal theological education.

Our quarter together is the ongoing process of vocational discernment, with particular attention to how vocational journeys intersect with the experience of formal theological education. 

Textbook & Course Materials

The texts for this course will weekly articles, the lives of the students and instructor, the lives of the mentors you choose as living conversation partners, and historical partners accessed through autobiography or oral history.

Course Requirements

  • Interview a practitioner/ mentor in your field of study
  • Choose an autobiography to engage throughout the quarter
  • Weekly readings and discussions
  • Class activities
  • Reflection papers
  • Video call (via Zoom) - 6th week 
  • Weekly "Engage Spiritual Depth" activity


Welcome to V&O!

Course Structure

This course is designed in weekly "Modules." All the things you need to know and do for the week are listed in the modules. This includes readings, assignments, lectures, and discussions. 

Student Learning Outcomes

Through our work together over the quarter in a small group setting, we will attend to the following four purposes:

  1. Provide a small group “sacred space” where you can come to know one another, including your different faith understandings and traditions, at a deeper level than is usually experienced in their other courses. Sacred space has the expectation of honesty, transformation, and healing. It may sometimes be uncomfortable, much as athletic training can be challenging in a way that does not harm, but yields greater strength and skill.
  2. Introduce you to Iliff, and assist you with your understanding and adjusting to the framework and characteristics of theological education, which are somewhat different from those in other kinds of educational programs students may have experienced in the past. You will be invited into agency about your negotiation of these experiences throughout your time at Iliff.
  3. Assist you to reflect theologically on your personal and professional identity, and your ongoing vocational discernment. Focus will move back and forth between who we are as unique individuals and the needs of institutional contexts for particular kinds of leaders.
  4. Begin the development of personal and professional skills required to work effectively across difference in North American multicultural society. 


Course Summary:

Date Details Due