Course Syllabus
Instructor: Rev. Sara Rosenau, MDiv, MSW, PhD
E-mail: Please email me at My account is a second, but slower option.
Office Hours: email to set up a time for zoom conversation
Email Policy:
I will get back to you within 24 hours. If you would like to have an extended conversation, please email to set up a time.
Course Synopsis:
This course provides an introduction to the faith, polity, practice and identity of the United Church of Christ: its organization and understanding of its ministry, mission, and ecclesiology. The themes of identity, covenant, and change will frame our engagement with the material as we attempt to critically answer the question of who we are and who we are becoming as the United Church of Christ.
Books for the Course
*Required, please purchase:
- *Randi Jones Walker. The Evolution of a UCC Style: Essays in the History, Ecclesiology, and Culture of the United Church of Christ. Cleveland, OH: Pilgrim Press, 2005. (ISBN 0-8298-1493-0)
- *Fowler, Sidney: What Matters to You Matters to Us: Engaging Six Vital Themes of Our Faith. Pilgrim Press, 2008. ISBN 978-0-8298-1800-0
- UCC Book of Worship (recommended for purchase if considering ordination, or borrow if your local church has an extra copy)
Choose one:
Glorify: Reclaiming the Heart of Progressive Christianity, Emily Heath
Beyond Resistance: The Institutional Church Meets the Postmodern World, John Dorhauer
Real Good Church: How Our Church Came Back from the Dead, and Yours Can Too, Molly Phinney Baskette
Other Required Readings:
Additional readings required for the course will be posted on canvas. Many will be pulled from: Please feel free to browse this resource as well as the (MOM) before the start of class.
Paper Version of Syllabus: UCC Polity.Iliff.2019.syllabus.pdf
Evaluation: Learning Agreement Contract and Final Self Evaluation
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |