Course Syllabus


Rev. Richard Gianzero; email
Work week is Monday-Friday 
Cell phone: 720-284-8991

Rev. Dr. Tom Wolfe; email

Course Information

This course is designed to equip future congregational and non-profit leaders for effective fundraising. Students will learn fundraising methodologies grounded in the theology of Christian Stewardship and general principles of Philanthropy. Core themes include:

  • An exploration of Biblical perspectives on money and stewardship
  • Consideration of the theological issues regarding scarcity and abundance
  • Practical aspects of fundraising, stewardship, and donor acquisition and retention

Gathering Days

TBD given COVID 19 pandemic.

Course Overview

Required Texts

Learning in the Online (Hybrid) Environment


Policies and Services

Resources and Course-Long Discussions

Open Forum

Introduce Yourself!

Modules View of course - (Week-by-week)

Shared Resource Pool

An article regarding Mintzberg's concepts of Deliberate and Emergent Strategies

The Duke Studies: the 2006-2007 study, and the 2015 update

The Budget of Ministries from Cycles of Discipleship (now out of print, sadly), and Barlow's deployment of that in a local church setting.


Course Summary:

Date Details Due