Course Syllabus

Instructor: Rev. Dr. Cathie Kelsey, or text 303-968-9812 office hours M-F 9-4:30 mtn


This course will have you study the life of prayer as if it were a river, studying it by getting in and swimming, by experiencing it with many senses, giving yourself over to it. Only then, but surely then, it will have you reflecting theoretically and practically on what you have experienced. The course will work with a broad definition of "prayer" that attends to receptivity and engagement as the foundation upon which words might later be laid. 

Organization/making sense of this course

Overview and Objectives


The whole course on one page This is a chart that week by week shows all the assignments, readings, postings, and how much time I think you will spend on each.  The course is designed to use 5 hours each week for everything.

Books required:

Barbara A. Holmes, Race and the Cosmos, Second Edition, CAC Publishing, 2020. ISBN 978-1-62305-050-4

Jane E. Vennard, Fully Awake and Truly Alive: Spiritual Practices to Nurture Your Soul, Skylight Paths Publishing, 2013. ISBN 978-1-59473-473-1

Course Summary:

Date Details Due